Victim Services

Kankakee Forgives offers crime victim and support services to victims of gun violence and their families.

These services include:

  • Crisis Response: Crisis Response services are available to every family in the aftermath of gun violence. This includes mental health first-aid, practical needs of the victim and family, liaise with law enforcement, engage in interactive safety planning, and address any other emerging urgent needs.
  • Funeral Expense Assistance: For deaths by gun violence, our specialists provide information and rights assistance and expense assistance for funeral arrangements.
  • Legal & Medical Advocacy: Your Case Manager will ensure you are supported and informed during the aftermath. This includes: getting case updates from the police department, attending court alongside individuals or families, attending doctors appointments or hearings, etc. 
  • Government Aid Assistance: Your Case Manager can assist in necessary applications for medicaid benefits.
  • Support Groups: Offered for parents that have lost someone to gun violence, for teens that have been affected by gun violence, for adults that have been affected by gun violence, for victims of gun violence, and for our forgiveness campaign.

Contact form to request services

Case Management

Street Outreach

Victim Services